[IBM] Python Project for Data Science - Extracting Stock Data Using a Python Library

2021. 5. 11. 22:57Data science/Python


I have watched the first 2 videos from the previous course. So I skipped them and went for the project directly. 


Final Project: Analyzing Stock Performance and Building a Dashboard 

- extract financial data like historical share price, quarterly revenue reporting 

- web scraping on popular stocks 

- Visualize in a dashboard to identify the patterns or trends 


#install the yfinace and import yfinance and pandas
#yfinance: extract the stock data
!pip install yfinance 

import yfinance as yf
import pandas as pd
#Ticker module: create an object to access fuctions to extract data .Ticker("ticker symbol")
apple = yf.Ticket("AAPL")

#info: extract information about the stock as a Python Dictionary

#Get the specific information by using key 
#result would be 
'United States'
#Using History() method to get the share price over a certain period of time
#The options for period are 1 day (1d), 5d, 1 month (1mo) , 3mo, 6mo, 1 year (1y), 2y, 5y, 10y, ytd, and max.
apple_share_price_data = apple.history(period="max")

#to get the max of certain columns (Max values of the Volume column)

#Reset  and  store into the dataFrame itself 


#Plot the open price against the date 

apple_share_price_data.plot(x="Date", y="Open")

#Get the dividends: apple.dividends / plot: apple.dividends.plot() 



Created on Skills Network Labs

Created on Skills Network Labs. GitHub Gist: instantly share code, notes, and snippets.


