[IBM] Data Analysis with Python - Pre-Processing Data in Python

2021. 5. 14. 16:17Data science/Python


Pre-Processing: Data cleaning, Wrangling 

- process of converting or mapping data from one raw form into another format to make it ready for further analysis


Dealing with missing values in Python 

- check the actual data 

- drop the missing values (variable, data entry) 

- replace the missing values with an average or similar data points ( less accurate ) 

- replace it by frequency

- replace it based on other functions 

- leave it as missing data 

* How to deal with missing values for categorical data 

- replace the missing values with the mode of the particular column

- replace the missing value with the value that appears most often in the particular column


How to drop missing values in Python 

- use dataframes.dropna() 

df.dropna(subset=["price"], axis=0, inplace=True)

- to modify the dataframe, use inplcae=True 

#This will drop all rows that contain a nan

- use dataframe.repalce(missing_value, new_value)

mean =df["normalized-losses"].mean()
df["normalized-losses"].replace(np,nan, mean)


Data formatting in Python 

- Data collected from different places, uses and format 

- ensure the data consistently and easily understand 

- allows the users to make a meaningful comparison 

- convert the data and rename the column

df["city-mpg"] = 235/df["city=mpg"]
df.rename(columns={"city-mpg": "city-L/100km"}, inplace=True)

- Incorrect data types : may behave strangely or return odd result. 

- to identify the data types : dataframe.dtype() 

- to convert data types: dataframe.astype()

df[["price"]] = df[["price"]].astype("float")


Data Normalization in Python

- so as to make the range of the values consistent, normalize the variables

- fair comparison with different features 

- before the normalization, it is hard to compare and the income will influence the result more 

age  income Normalization age income
20 100000 0.2 0.2
30 20000 0.3 0.04
40 500000 0.4 1

- after the normalization, similar value range, intrinsic influence on an analytical model


Method of normalizing data 

1. simple feature scaling ( between 0 to 1)

2. Min-Max

3. z-score (between -3 to 3)




Simple Feature Scaling in Python: with Pandas
Min-Max Score in Python (with Pandas)
Z-score scaling in Python( with Pandas)


Binning in Python 

- Binning is grouping Values into bins

- low, medium and high range

bins=np.linspace(min(df["price"]), max(df["price"](, 4)
group_name = ["low", "medium", "high"]
df["price-binned"]= pd.cut(df["prcie"], bins, labels=group_names, include_lowest=True)


- Since we are building 3 bins of equal length, there should be 4 dividers, so numbers_generated=4.

- visualizing binned data on the histograms


Turning categorical variables into quantitative variables in Python 

- problem: most statistical models cannot take in the objects/strings as input and for model training only take a number as input(numeric format)

- use get_dummies() : covert categorical variables to dummy variables(0 or 1) 

- pd.get_dimmies(df['fuel(this is column name)'])





