분류 전체보기(90)
[IBM]What is Data Science? -My thoughts
There are many different ways of defining the word "Data Science". But it is very obvious some of the skill sets are necessary and important to the people who do study data science. We call them "Data Scientist". Data Scientists can be out from various filed like engineering, statistics, economics, physics, biologies, and so on. The important things are the capabilities of combining all differen..
2021.05.12 -
[IBM] Python Project for Data Science - Extracting Stock Data Using a Python Library
I have watched the first 2 videos from the previous course. So I skipped them and went for the project directly. Final Project: Analyzing Stock Performance and Building a Dashboard - extract financial data like historical share price, quarterly revenue reporting - web scraping on popular stocks - Visualize in a dashboard to identify the patterns or trends #install the yfinace and import yfinance..
2021.05.11 -
[Italian Canzone] - Superclassico by Ernia
Superclassico www.youtube.com/watch?v=2o5WYSX5ato English translation Italian What are you doing now? Did they really not tell you that I'm not the type to look at at a party, a terrible option I'm sure no one suggested it to you After all, even your sister said, "don't bother, with those like him you know you're getting in trouble" But you texted me soon after and maybe I feel like Like I think..
2021.05.11 -
[IBM]Python for Data Science, AI & Development - Data Analysis
*Data Analysis: Data acquisition in various ways and obtain necessary insights from a dataset *Binary File Format: when the file is not readable. containing formatting information : To read this file, it must be run on the appropriate software or processor first. : images, jpegs, GIFs, MP3s, documents format like word or pdf etc. *Reading the Image file : Python has PILlibrary which provides the..
2021.05.11 -
[IBM]Python for Data Science, AI & Development - Data engineering
*Data Engineering Process: Extract, Transform, Load *Working with different file formats 1. Specify whether the file is a binary or ASCII file 2. How the information is organized (Comma-separated values, csv file format stores tabular data in plain text) 1) Reading CSV file : spreadsheet file format, each cell is organized in rows and columns : the type can be varied. : Each record may contain o..
2021.05.11 -
[IBM]Python for Data Science, AI & Development - Working with different file formats
csv, xml, json, xlsx Pandas Library: able to easily read the different files, using Dataframe 1. csv file : using pandas (import pandas) df.columns =['Name'..] 2. JSON Files : using json (import json) import json with open('filessample.json', 'r') as openile: json_object = json.load(openfile) print(json_object) 3. XML file (import pandas and xml.etree.ElementTree (to parse the XML file) import p..
2021.05.11 -
[IBM]Python for Data Science, AI & Development - HTML for Webscraping
HTML for Web Scraping *Web Pages have lots of variable information. *HTML Tags : marked with blue ink inside of angle brackets *HTML Composition : head, body, tag : paragraph *HTML Anchor Tag - a piece of text which marks the beginning and/or the end of a hypertext link. : IBM webpage *HTML Hyperlink tag - link to the web page HTML Trees : HTML tag is parents of below tags. head and body are in ..
2021.05.11 -
[IBM]Python for Data Science, AI & Development - REST APIs & HTTP Reqeusts
HTTP Protocol : Uniform Resource Locator (URL) : a general protocol of transferring information through the web : send a request -> recall the REST API's function -> the request is communicated via HTTP message. (contains JSON file) URL : the most popular way to find the resources 1) the Scheme : the protocol , i.e. http:// 2) internet address or Base URL : to find the location i.e. www.ibm.com ..
2021.05.11 -
[IBM]Python for Data Science, AI & Development - Watson Speech to Text Translator
I have already used all these functions before. So I just had to go to my instance to get URL and API key information from there. Otherwise, you have to pass through creating new services. #you will need the following library !pip install ibm_watson wget Speech to Text from ibm_watson import SpeechToTextV1 import json from ibm_cloud_sdk_core.authenticators import IAMAuthenticator #Get your own u..
2021.05.11 -
[IBM]Python for Data Science, AI & Development - API Excercise
!pip install pycoingecko #to retrieve cryptocurrency data such as price, volume, market cap, #and exchange data from CoinGecko using code !pip install plotly #To summarize, matplotlib is a quick and straightforward tool for creating visualizations #within Python. Plotly, on the other hand, is a more sophisticated data visualization #tool that is better suited for creating elaborate plots more ef..