[IBM]Python for Data Science, AI & Development - Simple APIs

2021. 5. 11. 11:50Data science


Application Programming Interface 

REST APIs (REpresentational State Tranfer)

HTTP methods: transmitting data over the internet. (HTTP messages usually contains a Json File)

1) Client request with HTTP file

2) The operation is transmitted to the Web Service via the internet 

3) The service performs the operation. 

4) Web Service returns a response via an HTTP message(information is returned via json file)


CryptoCurrency data 

PyCoinGecko for CoinGecko API: python client by Christoforou Emanouil 

1) install and import the library

2) create an object 

3) use the function to request our data (data on bitcoin, us dollars for last 30 days in this case) 

->Returned data : JSON expressed as a python dictionary of nested file

To make things simple - convert the nested list to a Data Frame 

API Keys and Endpoints : These will give the access to the API 

