[IBM]Databases and SQL for Data Science with Python- Count, Distinct, LIMIT (Practice exercises )

2021. 4. 28. 15:48Data science/Database


Practice exercises -Count, Distinct, LIMIT 

Now, let us practice creating and running some LIMIT related queries.


Problem: Retrieve the name of the first 50 films distinctly. 

-> SELECT DISTINCT Title FROM FilmLocations LIMIT 50;


Problem Retrieve first 10 film names distinctly released in 2015.

-> SELECT DISTINCT Titel FROM FilmLocations WHERE ReleaseYear = 2015 LIMIT 10; 


Problem: Retrieve the next 3 film names distinctly after the first 5 films released in 2015.

-> SELECT DISTICT Title from FROM FilmLocations WHERE ReleaseYear = 2015 LIMIT 3 OFFSET 5; 

(This time we want to retrieve a specific number of rows starting from a specific row in the table.)


Problem: Retrieve the number of distributors distinctly who distributed films acted by Clint Eastwood as 1st actor.

-> SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT Distributor) FROM FilmLocations WHERE Actor1 = "Clint EastWood";
